Thursday, March 27, 2014

Back in Klamath Falls

Last Friday we arrived at our house in Klamath Falls,  It was difficult leaving the kids in Sacramento, but we had to move on.  On Saturday Lyle Willoughby and myself totally emptied out our storage unit and put it all in the garage.  It was a lot of pushing and lifting but Lyle is like a machine that doesn't quit and my back doesn't hurt at all.  It is just amazing that just a few weeks ago I could barely walk and the pain was the worst pain that I have ever experienced.  Now my back is better than it has been in years.  I am actually pain free for the first time in 15 years.  Praise the Lord.

We have had several visitors stop by to say hello, thank you for the needed breaks!!

For the past few days we have been going through every single box and sorting out the stuff that we really want to keep from the stuff going to our next garage sale in May.  Now all the stuff that we want to keep fits easily in our back yard 12X16 shop with plenty of room to spare.

Wednesday our long time friend Kathy Klemz came over and worked with Dayle getting the yard sale items organized.Thank you Kathy!!

I went to my doctor today for a follow up exam for my recent pain episode and all is well.  My doctor examined my recent x-rays and explained what happened and gave me some exercises and other things to do to prevent this from happening again. Dayle has a dental appointment on Monday morning.  Then we will head north to Albany, Oregon for the NICE Regional Conference.  Then we will arrive at our son's house in Port Angeles, WA.  I will be speaking at the Independent Bible Church, Port Angeles Men's Retreat May 2-4.  

 1. Birth of Pearl....grand child #8 and all is well.

2.  My back healed from an injury the 1st or March and is now better than it has been in years.

3.  God continues to meet all our needs.

Prayer Requests:

1.  For a church in which to minister as interim pastor, pulpit supply, long term pulpit supply or anything from building repair to janitorial.

2.  For our house to sell in Klamath Falls. It is now vacant and has been on the market since January 1st.

3.  For the Men's Retreat at IBC Port Angeles, where I will be speaking.
Jack meeting his baby sister for the first time.

Friday, March 14, 2014

A Slow Recovery

Many of you have asked how my back is doing.  It has been over four weeks since this episode of pain started and I am doing much better but I still have a little way to go.  The intense pain is gone and  walking is becoming  easier every day and I can actually see the "light at the end of the tunnel."  I was doing all I could to get well enough to go to the Shepherd's Conference but I had to face reality and cancel my plans to go.  I have gone to the Shepherd's Conference for the last ten years and it is truly the highlight of my year.  The Conference always proves to be a wonderful time of spiritual refreshment. With all the excellent speakers, and training, and fellowship with old friends, just being there is like getting a shot of adrenaline for me.  But, alas, I was not able to attend.  At least I was able to watch most of the messages via the internet.  But it just wasn't the same.  I didn't realize it but Steve and Neeley said that I was very "grumpy" because I couldn't go.

So after all this time of not doing much of anything I think my muscles are beginning to atrophy.  I was actually able to get on the bicycle this week.  Riding actually felt good and there was no pain at all.  The problem is that I have to walk to get to the bicycle.  But I have to do something to keep the rest of my body active.  The good side of all this is that after the intense pain subsided, I have lots of time to read and study.

We hope to leave Sacramento next Friday (3/21).  We need to return to the house in Klamath Falls and do some more work there as well as empty out our storage unit and move everything back to the house until it sells. I also have a follow-up appointment with my VA Medical Provider in Klamath Falls on the 27th.  I am going to ask for an MRI so maybe we can figure out what is going on with my back.  We then plan on attending the NICE Regional Conference in Albany, Oregon before heading up to Port Angeles, Washington.

So we have another week with Stephen, Neeley, Jack and Pearl.  Oh my, we are going to miss them! Here is a picture of our two youngest grandchildren taken by our daughter Annie when she came to visit.

This Sunday (3/22) our realtor is having another Open House.  Please pray that a buyer comes and the house will sell!