We have had several visitors stop by to say hello, thank you for the needed breaks!!
For the past few days we have been going through every single box and sorting out the stuff that we really want to keep from the stuff going to our next garage sale in May. Now all the stuff that we want to keep fits easily in our back yard 12X16 shop with plenty of room to spare.
Wednesday our long time friend Kathy Klemz came over and worked with Dayle getting the yard sale items organized.Thank you Kathy!!
I went to my doctor today for a follow up exam for my recent pain episode and all is well. My doctor examined my recent x-rays and explained what happened and gave me some exercises and other things to do to prevent this from happening again. Dayle has a dental appointment on Monday morning. Then we will head north to Albany, Oregon for the NICE Regional Conference. Then we will arrive at our son's house in Port Angeles, WA. I will be speaking at the Independent Bible Church, Port Angeles Men's Retreat May 2-4.
1. Birth of
Pearl....grand child #8 and all is well.
2. My
back healed from an injury the 1st or March and is now better than it has been
in years.
3. God continues
to meet all our needs.
1. For a church in
which to minister as interim pastor, pulpit supply, long term pulpit supply or
anything from building repair to janitorial.
2. For our house to
sell in Klamath Falls. It is now vacant and has been on the market since
January 1st.