This was my Father's Day message today. I asked the men to see how they measure up to the Biblical mandate of being a man. At the end I gave each man a gift--a tape measure. So that every time they see it, they will be reminded to measure themselves according to the Scripture.
Two of the men in the church sang a song that one of them wrote. The song was about being a real man of God.
Below were the two children that Dayle had in Children's church today. Next week one of the moms is scheduled to teach the lesson.
Yesterday, Saturday, we called for a work day which started at 8:00 a.m. Any kind of work starts quite early in Lake Havasu due to the heat. At 8:00 a.m. it was already 85 degrees. We had a very good turn out and we all attacked the sanctuary. Every thing that was not related to the worship experience was removed. We moved out all the remnants of the Christian School including, file cabinets, a desk, tables, more file cabinets, and just plain junk. Some went to the dumpster, but most everything went downstairs to where the school does operate and it will all be sorted out this week. The people cleaned floors, vacuumed carpets and chairs, cleaned light fixtures, and even washed the walls. The place actually looks like a place of worship again. The good thing was that the people took "ownership" of their church building which appeared to be lacking. Even though everyone was tired after 5-6 hours of hard work, they seemed excited and wanted us to schedule another work day.
On a personal note...we are really enjoying the full-time RV life style. W are still working out the bugs in our 5th wheel, but we love it. Our unit is very well insulated and holds up to the intense heat quite well. We had a couple of days at 111 degrees. Dayle just loves the heat and does not miss having to wear winter clothes everywhere we go. Health wise we couldn't be better. I found a new chiropractor and he is truly amazing. After three visits my pain is almost totally gone. I have had pain in my right foot and just above the ankle for about two years that I thought was due to a high arch and had always used arch supports. Dr. Talley said that he believes that the pain in my foot and leg was all related to my low back injury. He did a few adjustments to my low back and foot and now I have had 48 hours of pain free walking. So now it is not pain that keeps me awake at night...just the heat. Last night the temperature went down to about 80. Oh this suffering is unbearable, isn't it???
lol. poor you in that insufferable heat! :P Glad you got to the chiropractor. Thanks for the pics of the service. I was just riding in a van with Tony V, and we were talking about you guys, and how you blessed them with your visit.