View of His Place from the road. |

We arrived here at His Place on August 11th. We took some time to assess the buildings and evaluate what needs to be done and prioritize. Once completed we knew there was a long road ahead. Since we have been herem we have cleared out rooms, painted interior walls, organized, and cleaned. We even painted the entire exterior of the main building which took five full days. There was much in the way of repairs that had to be done including removing and replacing the water heater, hooking up the filtered water system, repairing the door locks, landscaping and much more. Once the work is done on the facilities we can begin actually working on the various ministries here. The first thing we need to do is to design and print brochures. Then get the word out through mailings as well as establishing a web site, also visiting churches in the area as a personal contact. And we need to make this ministry self-supporting as soon as possible. Pastor Ken Whitted wants us to get started with a Bible Institute type program here early next year. We have much work ahead of us, but we are excited to be here serving the Lord here at His Place.
Before |
After |
We have some good news about our house in Klamath Falls.....we are actually in escrow. We are supposed to close by the end of September. Everything looks good and we are just waiting for the appraisal to come in. Once we get an actual closing date we have to go to the house the week before and remove all the rest of our stuff that the buyers don't want. We will have one final yard sale and then take the rest to the Gospel Mission. Please pray that this sale goes through.
Something that I don't like to speak about is our financial support. As you know we are
mostly self supported. However, we do rely upon some support. Our monthly support has dwindled and is now well below the minimum that has been set for us by the mission. We actually need another $175 a month to meet the minimum required. Please join us in prayer in this matter.
We are also looking for a fuel efficient "beater car" to purchase for us to get around. Our truck is ideal for pulling the 5th wheel trailer and it gets excellent mileage for towing (11-14 mpg). However, using that huge truck for daily driving gets to be quite costly. It only gets about 14 miles per gallon for city driving and about 19-20 highway. At $4 a gallon for diesel it costs about $120 every time I fill the tank. So we are looking for an inexpensive smaller vehicle which will pay for itself in no time in fuel savings.
Praise that we finished our ministry at fir Point and are now serving at His Place in Brookings, Oregon
Praise that our house is in escrow.
Praise that God has given us good health to complete this task
Praise that He has provided for all our needs and even ,any of our wants!
Pray that we will have clear direction as we serve at His Place
Pray that the sale of our house actually happens
Pray for additional financial support.
Pray for an economical car to purchase.
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